7. Markdown Examples

7.2. Code environment

Either use fenced style (tildes)

if (a > 3) {
  moveShip(5 * gravity, DOWN);

or indented style (4 whitespaces)

if (a > 3) {
  moveShip(5 * gravity, DOWN);

Both works with pandoc and wordpress. Also see pandoc verbatim code.

7.3. Equations

(@gleichung1) $\(a=b*c\)$ As (@gleichung1) shows, blabla.

7.4. Bibtex, cite

Hindenlang [@Hindenlang2015]. Only works with pandoc!

[bibshow file=references.bib]

Hindenlang [bibcite key=Hindenlang2015], Gassner [bibcite key=gassner2011disp]

7.5. section references

7.6. Figures, caption

This is the captionabel{mylabel}


Fig. 7.1 This is an example caption.

See Fig. 7.1 for an image from the web embedded in this documentation.


Fig. 7.2 This is an example caption.

See Fig. 7.2 for embedding a local file.

7.7. tables

7.8. unnumbered section headings

just add


after the heading

7.9. Code blocks for various languages

int a = 32;
int a = 32;